1. Don’t be a couch potato. Watch television less. Instead, go for a walk, see a movie, play sports or be with friends.
2. Break that routine once in a while. Hire a baby-sitter, or take a day off from work, and have a delightful lunch out- or go window-shopping. Doing spontaneous things brings instant happiness to our day.
3. Call a friend. Chat on the phone or invite your friend for coffee.
4. Allot a “me-hour” each day to do only the things you want – read, listen to your favorite CD, re-do your hair, polish your nails, or just sit quietly and think.
5. Laugh. See the funny side of life. The more you laugh, the less bored you will be.
6. Give your home an occasional face-lifting. You need not spend anything for this. You may r e-arrange your furniture, change your curtains or put indoor plants.
7. Have a recreational activity that you really enjoy. Our hobbies and recreational activities should be those that give us a “high”, and not something that we ought to do just because our spouse or our children said so.
8. Change the way you do your work. Repetitious chores can be fun if you keep your mind active while engaged in them. For example, devise ways in making dusting and cleaning to make it easier, better or shorter.
9. Watch your appearance. Keep yourself attractive with a new hairdo every now and then, or change the way you part your hair. Wear accessories to update and upgrade your clothes.
10. Have more family fun. Include your children and your spouse in even the simplest chore. You may take them along to the grocery store, have picnic with them in the park, or play board games together.
11. Cultivate new friendships. People who have genuine interest in people seldom get bored. Have a small talk with your manicurist, your barber or your doctor’s assistant. Conversing with people allow us to get to know them on a deeper level.