Thursday, May 28, 2009


Studies say that a hangover is not caused by alcohol itself, but by non-alcoholic ingredients called congeners which give the flavor and aroma of different drinks.

1. Drink a glass or two of cold water when you awake.

2. A cup of black coffee. This temporarily disguises the foul aftertaste of alcohol.

3. Take aspirin. A word of caution – make sure that you are not allergic to aspirin before you take it as it may have an adverse effect on you like palpitation and minor chest pain.

4. Lemon juice (or orange juice) and a generous measure of honey. They say this is the best and real cure for hangover as the Vitamin C in lemon and the fructose of honey hasten the rate at which your body breaks up those congeners.

Monday, May 25, 2009


1. Have a place for everything and keep everything in its proper place. Let every member of the household know where to find and return things.

2. Invest on a good quality chest of drawers. Sort like colors of shirts, have a drawer for socks, another for underwear, knick-knacks and so on. This will save you from wasting your precious time looking for that lace camisole.

3. Add more storage boxes or plastic containers and label them accordingly. You may keep seasonal clothes – your bikini or winter clothes in a plastic container that fit right under your bed, to save space.

4. Used clothes must be placed in the laundry basket or clothes hamper, and not to be left hanging elsewhere.
5. Give away or sell toys, books or clothes that you haven’t used for a long time. Allow others to enjoy them, instead of having them collect dust in your house.

6. Refrain from buying and collecting small figurines unless you have a glass cabinet to store them in. These items collect dust easily and are very tedious to clean.

7. Use decorative boxes to store your trinkets, sewing materials and other small tools. These boxes not only stash and keep your small items in place, they also double as decors to an otherwise boring room.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


1. Think success and believe that you are capable of being successful.

2. Cease to think in terms of what you cannot do, but in terms of what you can do. Never think failure, failure is anti-faith.

3. Believe BIG. The size of your success in not determined by the size of your brain, but by the size of your faith. Think BIG achievements and back them with BIG faith.

4. Affirm this belief: “Faith is an attitude of mind. Faith is belief in myself, things, other people, and God. I live in faith.”

5. Never compare yourself or your achievements with others, but make your comparisons only with yourself.
A sign of mental health is to be glad when others achieve, and to rejoice with them.

6. When opportunity appears, hold the deep conviction that, “This is right for me, I will succeed!”.

Monday, May 18, 2009


IMPORTANT: This diet is not recommended and should never be used for more than 3 days. This kind of diet is often used by those who experience “yo-yo” weight - it is not a good habit to get into.


Drink 4 glasses of water or diet soda per day. For additional flavoring you can add herbs, salt and pepper, lemon, vinegar, worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, mustard and ketchup.

You may also use the following substitutes:

* Orange instead of Grapefruit
* Tuna instead of Cottage cheese (and vice versa)
* Frozen yogurt instead of Ice Cream
* Cauliflower instead of Broccoli (and vice versa)
* Green beans instead of Broccoli or Cauliflower
* Beets instead of Carrots
* Toast instead of 5 crackers (vice versa)

Thursday, May 14, 2009


1. Dry out wet/soiled clothes before throwing them into the laundry basket or clothes hamper.

2. Do not use starch on linen that is to be stored for long periods, or don’t store clothes that are unclean.

3. Once in a while, leave closets, cabinets or drawers open to freshen air and to keep interiors dry. You may also use a handy hair dryer to prevent moisture build-up.

4. Brush thoroughly upholstered furniture or rugs that show mildew. If possible, do this outdoors to get more sun and fresh air. Should mildew stains remain stubborn, sponge lightly with thick suds, then wipe clean with damp cloth. A half-and-half solution of alcohol and water may also help, but remember to use this solution sparingly to avoid discoloration, and then dry very well.

5. Wipe moldy leather with half-and-half solution of water and alcohol, then air dry before an electric fan. Once dry, apply a thin coat of paste wax for protection as well as to restore shine.

6. Dust cornstarch or talcum powder between the leaves of damp books, and let it stay until all moisture has been absorbed. In damp weather, keep a small electric bulb open in closed book case, so that the books stay dry.

Monday, May 11, 2009


What is swine influenza?
Swine influenza, or “swine flu”, is a highly contagious acute respiratory disease of pigs, caused by one of several swine influenza A viruses. Morbidity tends to be high and mortality low (1-4%). The virus is spread among pigs by aerosols, direct and indirect contact, and asymptomatic carrier pigs. Outbreaks in pigs occur year round, with an increased incidence in the fall and winter in temperate zones. Many countries routinely vaccinate swine populations against swine influenza.

Swine influenza viruses are most commonly of the H1N1 subtype, but other subtypes are also circulating in pigs (e.g., H1N2, H3N1, H3N2). Pigs can also be infected with avian influenza viruses and human seasonal influenza viruses as well as swine influenza viruses. The H3N2 swine virus was thought to have been originally introduced into pigs by humans. Sometimes pigs can be infected with more than one virus type at a time, which can allow the genes from these viruses to mix. This can result in an influenza virus containing genes from a number of sources, called a "reassortant" virus. Although swine influenza viruses are normally species specific and only infect pigs, they do sometimes cross the species barrier to cause disease in humans.

What are the implications for human health?

Outbreaks and sporadic human infection with swine influenza have been occasionally reported. Generally clinical symptoms are similar to seasonal influenza but reported clinical presentation ranges broadly from asymptomatic infection to severe pneumonia resulting in death.

Since typical clinical presentation of swine influenza infection in humans resembles seasonal influenza and other acute upper respiratory tract infections, most of the cases have been detected by chance through seasonal influenza surveillance. Mild or asymptomatic cases may have escaped from recognition; therefore the true extent of this disease among humans is unknown.

Where have human cases occurred?

Since the implementation of IHR(2005)1 in 2007, WHO has been notified of swine influenza cases from the United States and Spain.

How do people become infected?

People usually get swine influenza from infected pigs, however, some human cases lack contact history with pigs or environments where pigs have been located. Human-to-human transmission has occurred in some instances but was limited to close contacts and closed groups of people.

Is it safe to eat pork and pork products?

Yes. Swine influenza has not been shown to be transmissible to people through eating properly handled and prepared pork (pig meat) or other products derived from pigs. The swine influenza virus is killed by cooking temperatures of 160F/70C, corresponding to the general guidance for the preparation of pork and other meat.

Which countries have been affected by outbreaks in pigs?
Swine influenza is not notifiable to international animal health authorities (OIE,, therefore its international distribution in animals is not well known. The disease is considered endemic in the United States. Outbreaks in pigs are also known to have occurred in North America, South America, Europe (including the UK, Sweden, and Italy), Africa (Kenya), and in parts of eastern Asia including China and Japan.

What about the pandemic risk?

It is likely that most of people, especially those who do not have regular contact with pigs, do not have immunity to swine influenza viruses that can prevent the virus infection. If a swine virus establishes efficient human-to human transmission, it can cause an influenza pandemic. The impact of a pandemic caused by such a virus is difficult to predict: it depends on virulence of the virus, existing immunity among people, cross protection by antibodies acquired from seasonal influenza infection and host factors.

Is there a human vaccine to protect from swine influenza?

There are no vaccines that contain the current swine influenza virus causing illness in humans. It is not known whether current human seasonal influenza vaccines can provide any protection. Influenza viruses change very quickly. It is important to develop a vaccine against the currently circulating virus strain for it to provide maximum protection to the vaccinated people. This is why WHO needs access to as many viruses as possible in order to select the most appropriate candidate vaccine virus.

What drugs are available for treatment?

There are two classes of such medicines, 1) adamantanes (amantadine and remantadine), and 2) inhibitors of influenza neuraminidase (oseltamivir and zanamivir).

Most of the previously reported swine influenza cases recovered fully from the disease without requiring medical attention and without antiviral medicines.

Some influenza viruses develop resistance to the antiviral medicines, limiting the effectiveness of treatment. The viruses obtained from the recent human cases with swine influenza in the United States are sensitive to oselatmivir and zanamivir but resistant to amantadine and remantadine.

Information is insufficient to make recommendation on the use of the antivirals in treatment of swine influenza virus infection. Clinicians have to make decisions based on the clinical and epidemiological assessment and harms and benefit of the treatment of the patient2. For the ongoing outbreak of the swine influenza infection in the United States and Mexico, the national and the local authorities are recommending to use oseltamivir or zanamivir for treatment of the disease based on the virus’s susceptibility profile.

What should I do if I am in regular contact with pigs?

Even though there is no clear indication that the current human cases with swine influenza infection are related to recent or ongoing influenza-like disease events in pigs, it would be advisable to minimize contact with sick pigs and report such animals to relevant animal health authorities.

Most people are infected through prolonged, close contact with infected pigs. Good hygiene practices are essential in all contact with animals and are especially important during slaughter and post-slaughter handling to prevent exposure to disease agents. Sick animals or animals that died from disease should not be undergoing slaughtering procedures. Follow further advice from relevant national authorities.

Swine influenza has not been shown to be transmissible to people through eating properly handled and prepared pork (pig meat) or other products derived from pigs. The swine influenza virus is killed by cooking temperatures of 160oF/70oC corresponding to the general guidance for the preparation of pork and other meat.
How can I protect myself from getting swine influenza from infected people?

In the past, human infection with swine influenza was generally mild but is known to have caused severe illness such as pneumonia For the current outbreaks in the United States and Mexico however, the clinical pictures have been different. None of the confirmed cases in the United States have had the severe form of the disease and the patients recovered from illness without requiring medical care. In Mexico, some patients reportedly had the severe form of the disease.

To protect yourself, practice general preventive measures for influenza:

• Avoid close contact with people who appear unwell and who have fever and cough.
• Wash your hands with soap and water frequently and thoroughly.
• Practice good health habits including adequate sleep, eating nutritious food, and keeping physically active.

If there is an ill person at home:

• Try to provide the ill person a separate section in the house. If this is not possible, keep the patient at least 1 meter in distance from others.
• Cover mouth and nose when caring for the ill person. Masks can be bought commercially or made using the readily available materials as long as they are disposed of or cleaned properly.
• Wash your hands with soap and water thoroughly after each contact with the ill person.
• Try to improve the air flow in the area where the ill person stays. Use doors and windows to take advantage of breezes.
• Keep the environment clean with readily available household cleaning agents.
If you are living in a country where swine influenza has caused disease in humans, follow additional advice from national and local health authorities.

What should I do if I think I have swine influenza?

If you feel unwell, have high fever, cough and/or sore throat:
• Stay at home and keep away from work, school or crowds as much as possible.
• Rest and take plenty of fluids.
• Cover your mouth and nose with disposable tissues when coughing and sneezing and dispose of the used tissues properly.
• Wash your hands with soap and water frequently and thoroughly, especially after coughing or sneezing.
• Inform family and friends about your illness and seek help for household chores that require contact with other people such as shopping.

If you need medical attention:

• Contact your doctor or healthcare provider before travelling to see them and report your symptoms. Explain why you think you have swine influenza (for example, if you have recently travelled to a country where there is a swine influenza outbreak in humans). Follow the advice given to you for care.
• If it is not possible to contact your healthcare provider in advance, communicate your suspicion of having swine influenza immediately upon arrival at the healthcare facility.
• Take care to cover your nose and mouth during travel.

Source: World Health Organization
27 April 2009

Thursday, May 7, 2009


According to Dr. Stephen Covey, 10% of life is made up of what happens to you. 90% of life is decided by how you react…

What does this mean?

We really have NO control
over 10% of what happens to us.

We cannot stop the car from breaking down.
The plane will be late arriving, which throws our whole schedule off.
A driver may cut us off in the traffic.

We have NO control over this 10%.

The other 90% is different.
You determine the other 90%.

How?... By your reaction.

You cannot control a red light.
However, you can control your reaction.

Do not let people fool you.
YOU can control how you react.

Let us use an example…

You are having breakfast with your family.
Your daughter knocks over a cup of coffee
Onto your business shirt.

You have no control over what has just happened.

What happens next
will be determined by how you react.

You curse.
You harshly scold your daughter for knocking the cup over.
She breaks down in tears.

After scolding her, you turn to your wife
and you criticize her for placing the cup
too close to the edge of the table.
A short verbal battle follows.

You storm upstairs and change your shirt.
Back downstairs, you find your daughter has been too busy crying
to finish her breakfast and getting ready to go to school.
She misses the bus.
Your spouse must leave immediately for work.
You rush to the car and drive your daughter to school.

Because you are late, you drive 40 miles per hour in a 30 mph speed limit zone.
After a 15-minute delay and throwing
$60.00 traffic fine away, you arrive at school.
Your daughter runs into the building without saying goodbye.

After arriving at the office 20 minute late,
You realize you forgot your briefcase.

Your day has started terrible.
As it continues, it seems to get worse and worse.
You look forward to coming home.

When you arrive home, you find a small wedge
in your relationship with your wife and daughter.

Because of how you reacted in the morning.

Why did you have a bad day?
A) Did the coffee cause it?
B) Did your daughter cause it?
C) Did the policeman cause it?
D) Did you cause it?

The answer is “D”
You had no control over what happened with the coffee.

How you reacted in those 5 seconds
is what caused your bad day.

Here is what could have and should have happened.

Coffee splashes over you.
Your daughter is about to cry.

You gently say:
“It’s okay, honey, you just need to be
More careful next time.”

Grabbing a towel you go upstairs and change your shirt.
You grab your briefcase, and you come back down in time to look through
the window and see your child getting on the bus.
She turns and waves. You arrive 5 minutes early a cheerfully greet the staff.

Notice the difference?
Two different scenarios.
Both started the same.
Both ended different.
Because of how you reacted.

You really have no control over 10% of what happens in your life.
The other 90% was determined by your reaction.

Here are some ways to apply the 90/10 Principle.

If someone says something negative about you,
do not be a sponge.
Let the attack roll off like water on glass.
You do not have to let the negative comments affect you.

React properly and it will not ruin your day.
A wrong reaction could result in losing a friend, being fired, or getting stressed out.

How do you react if someone cuts you off in the traffic?

Do you lose your temper?
Pound on the steering wheel? (a friend of mine had the steering wheel fall off),
Do you curse? Does your blood pressure skyrocket?
Who cares if you arrive 10 seconds later at work?
Why let the cars ruin your drive?

Remember the 90/10 Principle
and don’t worry about it.

You are told you lost your job.
Why lose sleep and get irritated?
It will work out.

Use your worrying energy and time
to find a new job.

The plane is late. It is going to mangle your schedule for the day.

Why take out your frustration on the flight attendant?
She has no control over what is going on.

Use your time to study, get to know the other passenger, why stress out?
It will just make things worse.
Now you know the 90/10 Principle.
Apply it and you will be amazed at the results.
You will lose nothing if you try it.

The 90/10 Principle is incredible.
Very few know and apply this Principle.

The result?

You will see it by yourself!

Millions of people are suffering
from undeserved stress,
trials, problems and headaches.

We all must understand and apply the
90/10 Principle.
It can change your life!

…Enjoy it...

It only takes willpower to give ourselves
permission to make the experience.

Absolutely everything we do, give, say, or even think, it’s like a Boomerang.
It will come back to us...

If we want to receive, we need to learn to give first...
Maybe we will end with our hands empty,
but our heart will be filled with love...

And those who love life,
have that feeling marked in their hearts …

Monday, May 4, 2009


1. Keep garbage cans tightly closed.

2. Keep your basement or storage room floors free of piled boxes or litter. Store things 10 or 12 inches above the floor.

3. Keep your food in closed containers.

4. Screen openings such as windows, doors and ventilators with ¼ inch wire mesh. Keep doors closed when not in use. Close holes around pipes or drains with concrete or sheet metal. Keep floor drains tightly fastened.

5. Outside the home, keep spaces under porches and steps open and clean. Don’t pile wood against the side of the house or garage. Keep lumber or other stored materials off the ground, with space underneath for cleaning.

Tips for Everyday Life Copyright © 2009 Flower Garden is Designed by Ipietoon for Tadpole's Notez Flower Image by Dapino